The Crime Analysis Solution contains many tools to support key analytical functions to manage data, select crime incidents, conduct tactical and strategic analysis, investigate crime patterns and share information with other law enforcement personnel. Below is list of the tools by group with details for each tool.
Tool Name |
Description |
Add Data |
An ArcGIS Pro menu command that references data management tools that adds data to the map. |
Convert Time Field |
An ArcGIS Pro Data Management tool that converts time values stored in a string or numeric field to a date field. |
Convert Coordinate Notation |
An ArcGIS Pro Data Management tool that converts coordinate notations contained on one or two fields from one notation format to another. |
Extract Date Parts to Field |
A Crime Analysis tool that creates new fields containing date parts (hour, month, year, and so on) from a user-defined date field. |
Append Attributes From Polygon |
A Crime Analysis tool that appends attributes from a polygon layer to a point feature class. |
Enrich |
An ArcGIS Pro Analysis tool that enriches data by adding demographic and landscape facts about the people and places that surround or are inside data locations. |
From XY Table |
A Record Import tool called Configure Record Import (XY) that builds a configuration file containing the parameter values required to import incidents from a table containing x and y coordinates. The configuration file is a required input to the Import Records tool. |
From Address Table |
A Record Import tool called Configure Record Import (Addresses) that builds a configuration file containing the parameter values required to import incidents from a table containing addresses. The configuration file is a required input to the Import Records tool. |
Import Records |
A Record Import tool that imports records from a table into a feature class or web layer using parameters from a configuration file. The configuration file is created by the Configure Record Import (Addresses) or Configure Record Import (XY) tools. |
Features To 3D By Time |
A Crime Analysis tool that converts a 2D feature class into a 3D feature class based on the values of an input date field. Useful for visualizing temporal patterns in a scene. |
Tool Name |
Description |
Select |
An ArcGIS Pro commands that provide interactive feature selection involves clicking a single feature in the view or digitizing a shape to select a set of features. |
Select by Attribute |
An ArcGIS Pro Data Management tool that adds, updates, or removes a selection on a layer or table view based on an attribute query. |
Select By Location |
An ArcGIS Pro Data Management tool that selects features in a layer based on a spatial relationship to features in another dataset. |
Select By Date and Time |
A Crime Analysis tool that selects features based on date and time ranges (for example, last 14 days) or parts (weekdays, 8-10pm). Requires date and time values to be in a date field. |
Attributes |
An ArcGIS Pro command that displays the Attribute pane. |
Clear |
An ArcGIS Pro command that clears the current selection in the active map. |
Layer From Selection |
An ArcGIS Pro command that creates on new layer based on a selected set of features in an existing layer. |
Tactical and Strategic Analysis
Tool Name |
Description |
Summary Statistics |
An ArcGIS Pro Analysis tool that calculates summary statistics for field(s) in a table. |
Buffer |
An ArcGIS Pro Analysis tool that creates buffer polygons around input features to a specified distance. |
80-20 Analysis |
A Crime Analysis tool that calculates cumulative percentage for an 80/20 analysis of problem locations. |
Incident Count |
A Crime Analysis tool that creates a polygon or polyline layer with the corresponding incident counts. This tool has limited functionality at a Basic license level. |
Percent Change |
A Crime Analysis tool that calculates percent change for each polygon or polyline layer over a period of time. This tool has limited functionality at a Basic license level. |
Kernel Density |
An ArcGIS Pro Spatial Analyst tool that calculates a magnitude-per-unit area from point or polyline features using a kernel function to fit a smoothly tapered surface to each point or polyline. This tool requires a Spatial Analyst license. |
Density Change |
A Crime Analysis tool that creates a raster output that shows change between two kernel density outputs. For illustrating how kernel density hot spots have changed from one period to another. This tool requires a Spatial Analyst license. |
Optimized Hot Spot |
An ArcGIS Pro Spatial Statistics tool that creates a map of statistically significant hot and cold spots using the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic. |
Space Time Cube |
An ArcGIS Pro Space Time Pattern Mining tool that summarizes a set of points into a netCDF data structure by aggregating them into space-time bins. |
Emerging Hotspot |
An ArcGIS Pro Space Time Pattern Mining tool that identifies trends in the clustering of point densities. |
Export Near Repeat Calculator Table |
A Crime Analysis tool that creates a CSV file in the format required by the Near Repeat Calculator from an input feature class. The Near Repeat Calculator is a tool published by Temple University for examining the statistical significance of repeat and near repeat patterns in a dataset. |
Repeat and Near Repeat Classification |
A Crime Analysis tool that identify areas at risk of repeat and near repeat incidents by specifying the spatial and temporal range of influence of past incidents. |
Calculate Prediction Zones |
A Crime Analysis tool that identify areas at risk of repeat and near repeat incidents by specifying the spatial and temporal range of influence of past incidents. |
Investigative Analysis
Tool Name |
Description |
Incident Sequence |
A Crime Analysis tool that creates sequential connecting lines between related incidents based on a date field. |
Incident Path |
A Crime Analysis tool that creates linking lines between two layers based on unique identifiers. |
Import Cell Sites |
A Crime Analysis tool that creates cell site points and sector polygons based on input latitude, longitude, azimuth, beamwidth, and radius information from a cell site table. |
Import Cell Phone Records |
A Crime Analysis tool that imports phone records from phone carriers and associates those records with a site and sector feature classes as generated by the Import Cell Sites tool based on identifier fields. |
Repeat Call Patterns |
A Crime Analysis tool that compares start date and time of phone event records from two phones to create call detail connection lines for each unique call between the phones at various locations and call summary lines for displaying the number of calls between the phones. |
Generate Sector Lines |
A Crime Analysis tool that creates linking lines between two layers based on unique identifiers. |
Space Time Comparison |
A Crime Analysis tool that creates a feature class with features from a comparison feature class that fall within the specified spatial and/or temporal extent of the primary feature class. |
Dissolve |
An ArcGIS Pro Data Management tool aggregates features based on specified attributes. |
Tool Name |
Description |
Create Chart |
An ArcGIS Pro command that creates a chart to visualize categories, distribution, change and relationships in your data. |
New Layout |
An ArcGIS Pro command that creates a new layout and add it to the project. |
Web Map |
An ArcGIS Pro command used to share the active map as a web map to your organization. |
Web Layer |
An ArcGIS Pro command used to share all data layers in the active map as a new web layer to your organization. |