Features To 3D By Time


Converts a 2D feature class into a 3D feature class based on the values of an input date field.


  • To view more than one output of this tool in a scene it is recommended that the extrusion options are set to be equal so that features can be compared on equal time extents.
  • A zvalue field will be generated with values based on the Time Interval and Unit.
  • Requires 3D Analyst extension license or ArcGIS Desktop Standard or Advanced License.


FeaturesTo3DByTime_crime (Input_Features, Output_Feature_Class, Input_Date_Field, {Time_Z_Interval_Unit}, {Base_Z_Value}, {Base_Date_Time})

Parameter Explanation Data Type
Input Features Input 2D feature class. Feature Layer
Output Feature Class Output z-enabled feature class based on time. Feature Layer
Input Date Field Input features date field. Field
Time Z Interval Unit (Optional) The time interval and unit that will be represented by one vertical linear unit in the output feature class. For example, if the output feature class has a vertical coordinate system based in meters and the Time Z Interval and Unit were set to 1 Second, the resulting feature class would have features extruded where 1 meter of elevation is equal to 1 second of time. When comparing two output feature classes, use the same Time Z Interval and Unit for each feature class. Time unit
Base Z Value (Optional) Base Z value on which the output feature will extrude from. Used to artificially elevate features above the elevation source. This can be useful in areas with significant elevation changes to prevent confusion of artificial time elevation with ground elevation. When comparing two output feature classes, use the same Base z value for each feature class. Long
Base Date Time (Optional) The date and time at which the time extrusion will be based. If left blank the minimum date value in the feature class will be used. When comparing two output feature classes, use the same Base Date and Time value for each feature class. Date

Licensing information

  • ArcGIS Desktop Basic: Requires 3D Analyst
  • ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Yes
  • ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Yes