This tool is used to build a configuration file for tables containing xy coordinates, and the parameter values required by the Import Records tool.
- This tool should be run to overwrite or create a new configuration file (.ini) any time there has been an update to the Source Table schema.
- This tool expects a feature class or web layer exists where records from Source Table will be imported.
ConfigRecordImportXY_recordimport (Config_File_Name, Source_Table, Target_Features, {Portal_URL}, {Username}, {Password}, Log_File_Directory, {Summary_Field}, Record_ID, Record_Date_Field, Delete_Duplicates, X_Coordinate_Field, Y_Coordinate_Field, Source_Table_Coordinate_System, {Ignore_Blank_Coordinate_Values}, Source_to_Target_Field_Mapping_Option, {Field_Match}, {Timestamp_Format})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
Configuration Filename | Provide a name and location for the configuration file created by running this tool. This configuration (.ini) file will be saved to the location you define, once created, the configuration file can be moved to another location if preferred. This configuration file can be used as input to the Import Records tool. |
String |
Source Table | Provide a table (comma-separated values (.csv), Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls)) containing the records to be mapped. Each record must be detailed on one line of the table and contain fields with the following information: record identifier, record date, and location information such as XY coordinates (Longitude, Latitude) in separate fields. | Table |
Target Features | Existing point feature class from a web layer or feature class or web layer where records from Source Table will be imported. |
Feature Class or Feature Layer |
Portal URL (optional) |
This optional parameter defines the organization name or portal URL and is only accessible when Target Features is a web layer. The full URL should be included to the ArcGIS Online organization or ArcGIS Enterprise portal at which your Target Features web layer is hosted. For example, or If using a hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online, then you can enter rather than your organization short name, if desired. |
String |
Username (optional) |
The username of a user with necessary privileges to edit the Target Features. Usernames are case sensitive. This parameter is only accessible when the Target Features is using a web layer. |
String |
Password (Optional) |
The password of a user with necessary privileges to edit the Target Features. Usernames are case sensitive. This parameter is only accessible when the Target Features is using a web layer. |
String |
Log File Directory | Directory to store log files generated by the Configure Record Import (XY) tool. This tool generates a series of reports documenting its progress, errors, and data warnings:
Folder |
Summary Field (optional) | Field containing values from Source Table by which the records can be summarized. This summary is provided in the log file. For example, if the report date field is provided, the log file will contain a list of the report dates found in the Source Table with the number of records on each of those dates. |
Field |
Record Identifiers | Field containing the identifier for each incident. | Field |
Record Date Field | Date field from Source Table containing the date the record occurred or was reported. When testing for duplicate records in the Source Table and Target Features this field is used to determine which record is the most recent. |
Date Field |
Delete Duplicates |
When enabled, the Import Records tool will verify that the record in the Source Table does not already exist in the Target Features before appending a record from the Source Table to the Target Features. If the Target Features already contains a record with the same record identifier, the tool will compare the values in the Record Date field, then the values in the provided location fields. If the Source Table contains the more recent record or if the dates match and the location has not changed, the tool will update the features attributes using the values from the Source Table. If the Source Table contains the more recent record or if the dates match and the location changed, the feature will be deleted from the Target Features and the Source Table values will be used to generate a new feature in the new location. If the Source Table date is older than the date in the feature class or web layer, that record in the Source Table will not be processed further. |
Boolean |
X Coordinate Field Longitude | A field in the Source Table containing the longitude of the records (decimal degrees or easting). |
Field |
Y Coordinate Field (Latitude) | A field in the Source Table containing the latitude of the records (decimal degrees or northing). |
Field |
Source Table Coordinate System | The coordinate system of the values in the Y coordinate (latitude) and X coordinate (longitude) fields. |
Coordinate System |
Ignore Blank Coordinate Values | Enable to ignore records with XY coordinate values of 0,0. These records will be written to the log file report of records that could not be appended to the feature class or web layer. |
Boolean |
Schema Mapping Type |
This parameter allows you to choose Source Table Schema Matches Target or Use Field Mapping depending on whether or not the schema of the Source Table matches the Target Features to be appended. Choose Source Table Schema Matches Target if the field names and types in the Source Table and Target Features are identical. Choose Use Field Mapping if the field names in the Source Table do not match the field names in the Target Features. |
String |
Field Match (optional) |
This parameter controls how the attribute information in Source Table fields is transferred to the Target Features feature class or web layer. This parameter can only be used if the Field Mapping is specified. Source Field reflects attributes from the Source Target and Target Field reflects attributes from Target Features. In the Source Field column, choose fields from the Source Table that contain information to preserve in the Target Features. In the Target Field column, choose fields from the Target Features that correspond with the field in the Source Table. |
Field Mapping |
Timestamp Format (optional) |
This parameter controls dates that are formatted as strings in the Source Table. If your Source Table formats date values are strings, then use this parameter to define the original date format. For more information, see Python strftime. For example, the format %m/%d/%Y %H:%M would assume the string date field is formatted as 05/18/2016 14:53. |
String |
Licensing information
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: Yes
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Yes
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Yes