Use Water Outage Manager

This app allows you to create ad hoc outages and alerts, manage current outages, and inform the public of active outages. This information can be used by the public relations team in charge of managing and reviewing outage information and informing the general public about water outages.

Update the status of an outage

The Batch Attribute Editor widget allows you to update the status and resolve date of outage features.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organizational account.
  2. Open the Water Outage Manager app.
  3. Zoom to an outage and open the Outage Updater.
  4. Use the Point tool to select the outage.

    The counts for all layers within the selected polygon and a pop-up appear in the widget.

  5. In the pop-up, update the status field and update the date resolved field if the status is set to resolved.
  6. Click Save.

    The selected features are updated with the specified values.

Inform the public

The Smart Editor widget allows you to share an outage with the public.

  1. Open the Smart Editor widget.
  2. Select an active outage.

    The attribute inspector opens in Smart Editor.

  3. Update the Share Publicly field to True.

    The outage area appears in the Public Outages and Alerts map using a hosted feature layer view with a view definition.

  4. When an outage is no longer active set the Share Publicly field to False.

    The outage area no longer appears in the Public Outages and Alerts map.

Learn more about how to manage water outages
